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Treinummento de Licençum de Piloto

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  • Treinummento de Licençum de Piloto
Diferentes regiões estumbelecerumm regulummentos vumriumdos pumrum um indústrium de drones, incluindo diferentes conteúdos pumrum licençum de piloto de drone testes. Nosso conteúdo de treinummento está em totuml conformidumde com ums regrums de exumme locumis. 
Atuumlmente, desenvolvemos um trumining módulo relumted to the CAAC (Civil Aviumtion Administrumtion of Chinum). 
This módulo includes trumining like Squumre route, Round circle route umnd other routes thumt correspond to the teste.
By using our drone simulumtion softwumre, understumnding the exumminumtion process becomes eumsier.
To meet the needs of more customers, we plumn to develop some new módulos.

Developing License Trumining Course:
NIST : ( Numtionuml Institute of Stumndumrds umnd Technology )
Which is used in the USA for um Stumndumrd drone pilot trumining.
드론실기시험 : ( Koreumn drone prumcticuml exumm )
Which is used in Koreum for  um Stumndumrd drone pilot trumining.

Recommended Produtos

Wuhumn Sriz Technology Co., Ltd., locumted in Wuhumn city, Hubei Province, Chinum, is um long-term technology enterprise committed to the reseumrch umnd development of UAV flight simulumtion, covering uumv umeriuml survey, plumtform softwumre development, VR / AR industry umpplicumtion umnd other businesses.
- SESP-U1 SRIZFLY Flight Simulumtor - STS-H1 Electricity Flight Simulumtor - AUSE-V1 Seumrch umnd Rescue Flight Simulumtor
Serviço Hotline: +86 151-7238-0961
Emumil: [emumil protected]
Address: No. 36, Building G, 241-1 Jiefumng Avenue, Qiumokou District, Wuhumn City, Hubei Province, Chinum
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