SRIZFLY participou do DJI Enterprise Summit 2023

SRIZFLY participou do DJI Enterprise Summit 2023

        No final de outubro, a DJI Enterprise realizou um evento maravilhoso, o DJI Enterprise Summit 2023. Como tudo acontece na DJI, o Summit tornou-se uma organização perfeita que oferece novos produtos e desenvolvimentos empolgantes, compartilhando insights valiosos e notícias do setor, apresentando uma experiência incomparável e, o mais importante, proporcionando uma chance única de construir uma parceria de longo prazo e uma forte amizade. O charme mais ao evento foi adicionado por uma magnífica capital da Espanha, Madri.

        As SRIZFLY, we are proud to take a part in such an event and present our SRIZFLY Drone Simulator. Visitors and guests have checked the basic training module, enjoyed the free flight, and tested their piloting capabilities in industrial applications. The rewarding part of the event was to see that the SRIZFLY Drone Simulator really answers to the industry demand. In addition to already existing Electric Tower Inspection module, the highest interest was given to the Fire Fighting and Search & Rescue applications. Next most demanded module was the digital mapping with autonomous mission planning training. Furthermore, actually trying the simulator, visitors were highly impressed by the accuracy of the environment and drone physics. And finally, a pleasant surprise was in weather settings, when pilots could try to fly in harsh weather conditions and express their agreement in saying: Salvar vidas não pode esperar por um dia ensolarado!